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Wedding Coordinator

There are also news in the wedding industry that you can write about.

A perfect wedding day requires meticulous wedding planning. After so many weddings, I am actually chilly and can do most of the work during the day.
Brides who love details need a well-thought-out schedule to relax.
This is the only way for the bride to experience the necessary security and enjoy the wedding.

Perfect days can be planned

Even after 16 years, I am still learning at every wedding and am getting “better”.

I’m not a wedding coordinator.

Wedding coordinator is supposed to take responsibility for the wedding day.
Working through a schedule that I did not create.
Why I can’t do that and why, in my opinion, nobody can do it seriously, is obvious.

A lovely bride asked me this week if I could manage her wedding day.
She is interested in the important little things.
She’s absolutely right. It’s the details that matter.
She also listed three things she’d like me to do.
They were things that were NOT in my planning. Unpleasant moments that you have to refrain from when planning a wedding.
With the appropriate experience, you can plan the day differently.

Our focus is on 100% satisfied bridal couples.

It still hurts me now that I had to cancel the bride. But her reaction was touching.
She appreciated my honesty, she wrote.
If you are reading this, I am happy to be there for you and can also advise all DIY wedding planners to book our Safety Check.

There are now many wedding planners who also offer wedding coordination.
Believe me, this requires even more experience than planning a wedding from A-Z.

The responsibility should not be underestimated.

What does a wedding couple do when such a Wedding Day Management fails?

You always have a choice with us, and we do not plan anything we cannot do.
We will make your wedding the wedding of your dreams including the wedding day.
Maybe our Coaching Package is the right thing for you.

Let us plan your dream wedding.

Evelyne Schärer
Wedding Planner since 2004


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